String Alternatives
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Author:  ReyStick [ Thu May 30, 2019 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

I cannot relate with your issues, or Randy's, since I have not had problems purchasing strings, or trying to enter the kingdom of elite Stickists, if there is such a thing.

If you own a Teflon instrument, and try to buy strings from SE, why should they sell them to you?

If you own a Stick, then they should support the instrument, whether you purchased it used or new.

Just trying to understand.

If any joeblo can buy strings from SE, then he can reverse engineer a copy, maybe. The engineering, design, and thought that went into the process of creating the custom strings for the Stick, is part of the innovation, of the instrument.

Sure you can buy guitar strings for any guitar, but the Stick is not a guitar, and as there are more and more tapping instruments on the market, whoever creates their tapping instrument should provide information on their string sets, or a place to purchase them.

I hope I never get blacklisted.
Good luck man.

I'm not trying to be a dick. Just trying to have a conversation.

Author:  WerkSpace [ Thu May 30, 2019 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

I think that it's time to pick up the phone and give Stick Enterprises a call.
I've tried the online thing and the email thing and got no where.
But, when I picked up the phone and made the call,
the strings got shipped out and I received them.
I don't use them, but I have them.

As I've stated previously, I use Newtones, as I like the tone of them.

I also have three sets of Mobius Megatar strings via eBay
from a guy who likes to call himself Traktor Topaz or Arthur Cronos.
These strings were absolutely terrible.

If you think that it's hard to find strings, try finding triangular frets...
I had to go to the Republic of Belarus.
I've also bought instrument parts from Estonia and other far away places.

Author:  ixlramp [ Thu May 30, 2019 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

Big George Waters wrote:
I ordered a bunch of things – including three sets of light 10 string classic, and surprise – I got refunded – and instead of three sets of strings, I got maybe – I don’t know what I got – I got like 6 or 7 or maybe even 8 tiny melody strings and perhaps 2 bass strings.
I was besides myself to say the least....
Eventually I got an email which said they are currently low on strings so only one set for me, which would have been alright if it were one full set….
I mean, I suppose it’s a full set for something, I just don’t think it’s for my Ironwood because of what’s there.
I get it.
I did not purchase my Stick from S.E.

I fully expect SE sell strings for use on 2nd hand Sticks, because many highly valued Sticks, which are often owned by prominant Stick players, are 2nd hand.
I believe SE if they say they are low on strings.
They probably sent what they had in case those few strings were useful for you, that seems like good customer service to me.
Was the refund the right amount for the missing strings? If not it could be an error.
I don't think you've done anything that would be seen as bad by SE.
I read the whole thread and have no opinion on the allegations of others.

Kalium are a good non-custom string alternative due to the choice of gauges, lengths, and they are more flexible than typical bass strings. They're especially good for huge gauges (up to .266) for very low tunings.

Author:  Polyjuan [ Thu May 30, 2019 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

Hmmm. Interesting thread here.
Both my 10 string Stick and NS Stick were purchased used and not from SE.
I have never had an issue due to this. In fact Emmett, Yuta, and Cambria have been the most supportive of people to the Stick community.
I've had several conversations with Emmett via phone. We have spoke about everything Stick related from string gauges to pickups to performances. We have spoken about non-Stick topics as well. This is not "special treatment" either. I am not a celebrity Stickist, I have yet to, regrettably, buy a Stick directly from SE and they know that. I have purchased strings, books, shirts. There is no reason to be more than "business cordial" with me than with anyone else. The wonderful folk at SE are just that, wonderful.
This so called "black-list" seems extremely suspect to me. I sincerely hope that this is not true.
I take that back..I'm pretty sure it is not true.
SE is a cottage industry..not a large corporate conglomerate who could give a damn if they lose customers. They sell direct and have no huge inventory in music store chains across the U.S. let alone the globe. You order a Stick..and everyone else. From lowly me to ace bassist/Stickist Tony Levin. We are all on equal footing to SE.
Fair footing.
I believe that the initiates of this thread are just trying to sully SE's good name, and Emmett's in particular.
There is a particular person and manufacturer of tapping instruments who has had a less than stellar view of Emmett and his creation. I won't mention his name (Stick aficionados will know who I am referring to) but it is not beyond the realm of possibility to suspect a troll is at work.
Folks here are encouraging you to call Stick..or just buy strings from their site with a Paypal acct or credit card. Or even better..use a friend or spouses CC/Paypal if you really believe that you have been "blacklisted". People have even offered up possible string alternatives..but always the topic returns back to this infamous "black-list"..with no proof.
Sorry..I'm not buying this for one sec.

Author:  Big George Waters [ Fri May 31, 2019 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

Juan, nothing would make me happier than believing your words as absolute truth, because I also have had very cordial email exchanges with Cambria, and have also on the rare occasion I could get a human, a good conversation there as well.
I also would never - never - put anything stringwise on my Ironwood other than what Emmett recommended since that is a fixed truss rod instrument, not too mention that in the case of the Ironwood Stick, I want the instrument set up original because I bought that instrument due to the specific sound it makes.
It has a very special sound... and because mine has G-d knows what on it for strings, that's why I wanted to set it up correctly.
I totally get what you are saying, I suppose I could call but I also suppose I'm the last person they would want calling for just a set of strings after being informed that strings are limited, which I can get too.
I just wish they mentioned on the on-line store that the strings I was after were either out of stock or one set only [instead of three].
Other than that, I am very happy with the books I have ordered and received, along with t-shits [I'll be wearing one later today once I'm off to the plant...] I just suppose I was a bit taken aback by the strings I did receive because - unless I am losing my marbles - I don't think the set I got was correct either but that being said - I'm not exactly upset about that because there's quite a few very thin strings in there, which I suspect might be the ones most prone to breakage.
I believe you mentioned without mentioning directly what was going on in the 1990s, I'm well aware of that too - and in fact am reading about it in the book written about Emmett... I can't even begin to imagine what that was like for Emmett and his family.
On the other hand, I've been experiencing a load of bad luck for a good five and a half years now, and I kind of shook my head when I saw that I was not getting the strings [ok, understood - they are on shortage...] and just chalked it up to yet another zero on my end.
*Until I saw this thread.
Today, I admit fully that I probably/definately over reacted now that I have had some time to let this whole matter digest some, but I don't believe that this thread came out of thin air either [but I do hope I am wrong about that as well]
I suppose i could delete some of what I have mentioned, but I'd rather leave it so I can learn not to jump to conclusions without thinking matters properly through.
I'll let things be for a while, then I'll see if I can get a hold of Cambria since she knows my passion for the old Ironwoods and plea my case to her.
Thanks Juan for your comment.
It to me was quite enlightening, and if anyone from S.E. is reading this I am sincerely sorry for "falling into a trap"...

Author:  Big George Waters [ Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

*just as a follow up to previous comments made here by myself, among others: today, to my surprise – in my mail box was a small package from S.E.

This was totally unexpected, and what appears to be inside [I have not opened it yet, but if I were a gambling man…] is a set of strings for my beloved Ironwood Stick.

Now – I have no way of knowing how this has come to be, but that being said – I’d like to thank whoever went for bat for me, because I myself was going to hold off till I had more things to order and enough time had passed.

Either way, thank you all at S.E. and here at Sticklist.

Customer service at this level is rare indeed, and is very much appreciated.


Author:  Big George Waters [ Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

*If anyone is following this thread, I'm going to take it into what I hope is a more positive direction:
Late last night, I committed to buying Ironwood 285 which I saw on Reverb only a few hours earlier.
Upon really looking this instrument over, I saw a few things that made is special, and figure it's from maybe early 1975 but I'll email Cambria about that later.
Anyhow - if I am understanding my Stick history correctly, when that instrument was being made - Emmett was still using flatwound strings, and also - the tuning was a whole note [or is it step ??] lower than what became standard.
So, I am guessing B, or B sharp to start [as opposed to a low C ??] ??
Also, would it be correct to assume that the flatwound strings would only apply to the - what would normally be the wound strings ??
Any info would be appreciated, as I want to set up this instrument as close as possible to when it was first made all those years ago....
Boy, if that Stick could talk.......
Hopefully it arrives here safe and sound early next week.

Author:  ReyStick [ Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

Maybe you should send the stick home. It may take some time but they will refurbish it. I cannot imagine that you will make it sound better.
I am jealous of your old Stick now.
I recently purchased a 90s era Stick, Purple Heart solidwood. There are some issues with it that I'm trying to work out.
I am trying to learn, the patience of setup. Eventually it may go back to SE, unless I start understanding the theory, and start realizing how to set up my instrument properly for my playing style, which requires an immense amount of patience, and understanding of how you want to play.
Good luck in your Stick journey, it seems like you got the bug.

Author:  mike.hoegeman [ Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

Big George Waters wrote:
*If anyone is following this thread, I'm going to take it into what I hope is a more positive direction:
Late last night, I committed to buying Ironwood 285 which I saw on Reverb only a few hours earlier.
Upon really looking this instrument over, I saw a few things that made is special, and figure it's from maybe early 1975 but I'll email Cambria about that later.
Anyhow - if I am understanding my Stick history correctly, when that instrument was being made - Emmett was still using flatwound strings, and also - the tuning was a whole note [or is it step ??] lower than what became standard.
So, I am guessing B, or B sharp to start [as opposed to a low C ??] ??
Also, would it be correct to assume that the flatwound strings would only apply to the - what would normally be the wound strings ??
Any info would be appreciated, as I want to set up this instrument as close as possible to when it was first made all those years ago....
Boy, if that Stick could talk.......
Hopefully it arrives here safe and sound early next week.

If you had flatwound strings on it, it’s probably a 70’s era stick. I would guess they don’t carry the flatwound strings anymore.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

Author:  Big George Waters [ Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Alternatives

It's definately an old one, no later than 1975 because it's all wood, pick ups and belt clip too... and it has a wooden nut as opposed to the slotted screw nuts.

*It might even be one of the original narrow neck Sticks, but I can't say yes or no - hopefully Cambria can provide this info for me.

It makes my mid 80s Ironwood look like a modern instrument, but that's from looking at the pictures of # 285....

The tracking number was just sent to me - so perhaps Monday or Tuesday it will arrive ??

And perhaps it will go home, as the nut needs to be either replaced or repaired [I'm opting for the latter...] but first I want to hold it in my hands for at least the first night <3 <3 <3

And yes, I've definately got the Stick Bug, the Ironwood bug for sure.

*Now to see about finding one with the original wooden bridge, as I hear those are ultra rare...........

Anyhow, off to work I go.
Gotta pay for these babies.............

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