New busking amp tested
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Author:  adde65 [ Wed Nov 12, 2014 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

As I mentioned on Randy's very interesting gear thread, I heard someone else using one of these while busking yesterday. Really, really impressed with the volume and clarity it was putting out (the guy was too loud, actually). In a street context, it was comparable to far more expensive amps, including AER.

While it's not the AA battery amp I went looking for, I'm actually excited to have found this instead, which is the last thing I thought I'd ever say about a piece of Behringer gear :o


Author:  carvingcode [ Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  New busking amp tested

A month and a half in using the Behringer MPA40BT powered speakers and am very pleased. They sound great with my SG12 and produce plenty of volume for practice and small venues.

I can plug directly into the back or through effect pedals with equal results.

The battery life is very good. I haven't tried to run the battery down, but it has only dropped to 50% after a full week of practice time.

These are a great, flexible option for those not needing excessive volume and wanting a light, transportable, easy to use powered speaker. BTW: I'm happy I picked up two. Most flexible and stereo effects are quite enjoyable.


Author:  adde65 [ Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

I've got myself a pair too. OK I'll admit that I bought the second one partly for backup. One of these is easily sufficient for most battery powered uses, but it's nice to have a spare and stereo. Used mine on a handful of gigs now, in tandem with my AER on a busking session, plus Bluetooth for playing background music at a recent wedding.

I'm definitely sold; just ordered some custom speaker bags for them.


Author:  Per Boysen [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

It even comes with a "built-in trolley" for indoors conference halls and such! I've been reluctant to use the "b-word" but this product seems to be a good busking amp for the Stick at a nice price. If my EX dies I might get one of these (since I now have a decent outdoors pedalboard adding to the PASV-4 for adjusting the melody vs bass side outputs tonal balance). According to a YouTube review I watched you can actually replace the battery if it should wear out

Author:  carvingcode [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

Per - I've not seem one with the handle, but from, the pictures I think one would need to bend over to roll this. It doesn't look like it would extend enough to be comfortable to roll standing up straight.

Author:  Per Boysen [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

I agree! The handle and the wheels would be an obstacle for me; I'd much rather use a simple shopping trolley and be able to firmly stuff the speaker on that for the optimal tilted-up angle.

Author:  adde65 [ Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

Yeah I avioded the trolley model. Telescopic handles and wheels on these things invariably break down, and I think they would be a pain to repair with the built-in version.

Author:  Skydiver [ Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

carvingcode wrote:
Back to the Behringer... I moved mine to speaker stands to get them off the carpet. Really opens up the sound.


It makes me happy to see that your monitor set up is away from the wall. I don't have the luxury of space in my place but I did put my desk on sliders so when I get into heavy mixing mode I can pull them away from the wall for a better location. I also have the KRK Ergo for low end room correction.

Sorry to go off topic...

Author:  Skydiver [ Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

adde65 wrote:
I've got a few pedals around, most of them have stereo outputs. I tend to use Zooms for busking, because they run on AAs and function really well as general purpose utility pedals for EQ, tuning, very usable reverbs/delays etc. I used a 1-signal path for about 2 years, but in general I find that the Stickup works better with separate paths, even if I'm going for a "one instrument" sound. At the moment I'm playing with the Strymon delay pedal I mentioned, which I also prefer on the highs only.

I'm going to chime in on the stereo thing...

When I had the KC-110 I first tried one stereo channel with bass on left side and melody on right side. It was really bad with no bass at all...
I then put the bass side in one channel as mono and melody into another channel as mono and this gave me some more low end I was expecting. (It is just the KC-110 so you can't expect much low end...)
This is because bass is now being supported by two woofers, instead of just one. If you have two speakers and want more low end I suggest going mono and feeding both sides.

I am the kind of person who likes both bass/melody sides of the stick to come out of all speakers.
But... for those who like to separate out the bass/melody sides of the stick could be missing out on some bass.
Just remember this comes from a NS/Stick player, former bass player...

Just my input on the stereo thing...

Author:  adde65 [ Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New busking amp tested

I agree, I'm not really a fan of hearing bass from one side and highs from the other. If you're using large stage rigs with good monitoring, it's OK... With these smaller capacity speakers I definitely want to maximize what I'm getting out of each box.

The Behringers do break up a bit when pushed hard, running 2 allows me to back off the volume on each individual speaker. Time based effects really come alive too.

Now using these full time for busking, and I'm still pretty impressed. The channel inputs are sensitive and I keep them well below 12 o'clock and use the master for overall volume.


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