String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick
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Author:  ReyStick [ Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick


Author:  JRJ [ Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

Where is the theory? I am probably in a small minority here in that I conceptualize music
in a way that would hint at 'higher manifold physics' and what is called "The Many Worlds Theory" (and therefore "String Theory"). I am convinced that music has direct, and useful correlation's to this kind of thinking. And it is possible, perhaps, that to describe such abstractions, music might be the only way to be accurate, the same way mathematics is used to describe concepts in physics. :| I am the furthest person possible from the designation mathematician (I need 'spell check' to even write it down :oops: ), but I like, in fact love how a sequence of numbers can describe
something in an alternate dimension that is considered a clear communication and simultaneously is called "elegant".


Author:  ReyStick [ Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

The blank page that is the Chapman Stick is a creation of a new string theory. 6 7 8 9 10 fingers, as many ways as you can play, there are more. It may be chaotic in the beginning, but there is a method to the madness. Out of chaos comes order. The only limit to the Stick is the imagination. Music comes from the Stick as well as from the player. The Stick has a voice which makes it it's own entity. It may well have a mind of its own.


Author:  ReyStick [ Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

Once mastered the Stick shall become an outlet for the expression of the soul.


Author:  JRJ [ Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

On a Forum for indian music I once got into a minor tiff with the moderator by saying that
the sitar itself was the guru. The mod said "no, let Indian classical music be the teacher".
I disagree with him not because ICM is not a good teacher or "teaching" but that the musical
instrument has compressed in it's design thousands of years of design technology; everything
leading up to the latest innovation and there is so much to learn from that. But unlike most other technologies musical instruments are created to produce something that is a kind of language in an archetypal form. This is interesting
for a lot of different reason and one is the theological perspective as you say "for the expression of the soul" but leading up to that consider the language angle for a moment. Either way, if you are a musician or a luthier it takes thousands of hours of practice, trial and error to get it right and even then you continue to work out new ideas. But for the
listener the music is received without effort, just receptivity.


Author:  ReyStick [ Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

I think the Stick is a guru, let the Stick teach you how it wants to be played. Music is definitely a language, as the first word ma spoken by a baby is an expression of the spirit, seeking to have someone else understand you, as the vocal chords are an instrument of the body, and soul, so is an instrument a part of you once mastered, or practised. Music is the spirit trying to convey an idea or expression, or an emotion from the ether, to someone else, by any means possible.


Author:  ReyStick [ Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

The mod said "no, let Indian classical music be the teacher".

This can be true as well.For most people we are only copying what we hear, interpreting it and relaying it. But the Eternal Ma was never taught, this came from the spirit. So it is true to let a certain style of music influence you, if you want to interpret a certain style of something that was previously created.

The Stick allows you creation. As do other instruments obviously,. I guess I just like the stick, and its ability to expand my emotional expression, in a way that feels natural to me. Vibration is key, play softer, feel the strings,. We don't learn how to read and write overnight.


Author:  ReyStick [ Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

Nor shall we learn how to speak.


Author:  JRJ [ Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

RoknRol is a long way from string theory, or is it? :twisted:

Author:  ReyStick [ Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: String Theory as it pertains to Chapman Stick

I don't know what roknrol means.


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