How is your practicing going?
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Author:  RandO [ Tue May 12, 2015 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

I'm trying to organize my practice time and make sure I practice what should help me down the road, rather than trying to figure out individual songs. I am so new at this, my biggest roadblock is technic. Shaping chords, minors, majors, etc. Learning bass line possibilities. Running scales, learning scales, memorizing scales lol! Then of course, using LH and RH independently. That seems to be progressing nicely (coming from a drummer background) but still needs lots of work.
After an hour or so of technic practice I allow myself some noodling time, good for the brain and the soul! I try to start and finish my practice sessions with solid foundational stuff to help my playing ability down the road. While I am noodling, I do try and work on a few songs I'd like to be able to play in the near future, but I don't obsess about them.
No matter what though, first and foremost I have fun!!

Author:  rodan07 [ Tue May 12, 2015 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

I don't think Segovia practiced more than three hours a day (when he was older at least), and he took naps in between practice sessions.

Sometimes when I'm working on something new, I get really sleepy, so I just go take a nap. I think I'm probably trying to grow a new neural net or something during those times.


Author:  rclere [ Tue May 12, 2015 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

I like Brett's method.... I am up @ 0430, head to the gym MWF, Tues/Thurs Tai QI/qi gong practice, @ 0530 in the studio to practice.... I practice 1.5 hours.... I set a timer @ various times for chunks of techniques, modes, scales, theory, study of the board. I also put drum tracks and percussion tracks on for groove work. I also take time to just sit with the instrument in place , in silence with my hands just resting on the board and.... breath
:geek: :ugeek:

Author:  Sacrosanct [ Tue May 12, 2015 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

rodan07 wrote:
I don't think Segovia practiced more than three hours a day (when he was older at least), and he took naps in between practice sessions.

Sometimes when I'm working on something new, I get really sleepy, so I just go take a nap. I think I'm probably trying to grow a new neural net or something during those times.


I think that you touched on something very useful there. Napping helps the body and mind process things and reset. If I could, I would take the same approach.

Author:  Marty6126 [ Tue May 12, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

I practice at least a couple hours a day, but I'm not very focused. I spend most of my time playing tunes I'm learning, or tunes I already know, or just noodle over chord changes, but I spend no time at all on scales, etc. I'm old enough that I have no rock star aspirations, and I'll never approach Segovia mastery of the instrument. But, I have lots of fun, and I am improving (says my lovely wife). I think, if I felt that I was no longer improving, then I'd knuckle down and practice with more intent.

Author:  Olivier [ Tue May 12, 2015 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

Marty, this describes exactly what I do [emoji4]

Author:  piratebruce [ Wed May 13, 2015 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

I have two routines, one at home and one at work since right now I am about 100 miles offshore on an oil and gas Construction ship. So I can get about 90mins in day , its all pretty structured. I warm up just for about 5 minutes on scales, chords , arpeggios. Plastered all over my cabin walls are Charts of the fretboard so I Challenge myself for about 10 minutes to find chords, inversions, scales and notes referring to those if I have to. Thats my Learning the fretboard bit.
I have two new pieces on the go which I got from lessons With Steve A, about a half an hour tidying them up. Then its free time which for now is running through my little set of 7 pieces getting ready again for open nights on my return home. Then sadly I really need to sleep , but its working and making a difference whilst keeping me sane out here. The rig is always set up so for the short 30 minute break from my 12 hours i eat real fast and get in another 15 minutes playing, all about time management! :lol:
Missed only one day in 20 so far.

Author:  kevin-c [ Fri May 15, 2015 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?

rodan07 wrote:
The answer is, not much. I'm writing my grimoire, and it feels like it will take forever.

I have to ask......


Author:  Stickrad [ Sun May 31, 2015 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?


You are an exemplar Sir. You're practicing more than me atm. i'm feeling the (good)pinch, looks like I better go and practice some more... :lol:

Author:  Jayesskerr [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is your practicing going?


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