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Author:  Brett Bottomley [ Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frustration

Ah good question

No, If I write it I can remember it (mostly). Thanks for the kind words.

As an update, things are coming along for me musically. Looking forward to a couple of new recordings in the next couple of years. For me regular practice produces less anxiety, and I'm in a good practice place now. Improv Is my favorite.

Thanks Mike and as I've said no pity please. I was just going through a frustrating plateau (which I will hit again).


Author:  Palamedes [ Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frustration

Howdy Brett,

I often say that my memory is like steel trap... rusty and illegal in 7 states.. Also when it comes to recalling things I also seem to have a very tight grip on things inversely proportionate to their importance to me.. It sucks.. heh

In all seriousness sir, I don't think you're alone in this area. While having never been diagnosed with a learning disability I can tell you that my memory is down right dreadful. It always has been.

It's bad enough that friends, family and coworkers have all at one time or another made comments and questioned my inability to recall even the most simple and recent events or information.

It's a constant struggle for those of us with these issues and I can't help but be extremely jealous of people who have what I can only describe as instant and complete recall of anything.. Sometimes seething jealousy at that, as they do instantly with out any effort something that I simply can't do.

There is nothing more frustrating as a software engineer than to not remember something about a piece of code or technology that you have used a hundred times for more than 10 years (or wrote from scratch yourself) simply because its been 2 or 3 days since you last looked at it.

I'm sure the same frustration is what you're feeling with your music.. (which btw I have seen some of and you're great!)

I for one find myself taking a lot of notes and keep reference manuals and websites handy at all times. The simple fact of the matter is I often need something to help jog the memory to promote recall.. (Admittedly often I need hours of self retraining too.. )

Either way I think Radkon might have something with the smartphone idea.. If not a smart phone then a tape recorder or just fingering notes and pointers.. I use a lot of sticky notes.. It may seem silly to have to resort to this sort of thing, even embarrassing (especially around coworkers..*sigh*) but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I document the heck out of my code when programming and my coworkers love me for it.. The funny thing is, I don't do it for them.. I do it for me 'cause I know when I have to come back to this in a month I wont have a clue what I was thinking or why it works the way it does..

Ah the struggles of life.. if it were all too easy we'd be bored. =)

PS. the whole reason I was hoping to get into the stick was because as I understand it learning music theory and playing generally is considered to help memory.. that may be a bunch of hogwash but it sounds good! =)

Author:  Oceans [ Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frustration

Just saw this again, and I was gonna throw out an option. I only mention this out of what I found helped in my situation. You can get checked for adult adhd or add, It is really common with learning issues. Its a pretty controversial issue so I don't mean to start an rx war here. And of course my opinion is just what ive seen in friends, fam and myself. Im no space emperor m.d haha! There are many meds that help dramatically with learning and maximizing natural ability. Now this may not appeal to you at all so I don't mean to imply that meds are the answer. I have tried both natural remedys as well as prescribed meds. Just something to look into, and maybe ask your friends and see what they have found. Hope this isn't too off topic. I wish you well, and much respect.

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