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Author:  ReyStick [ Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Portuguese

Fado. Very cool intimate music format in the bars and cool portuguese guitars. Operatic emotional singing. Very nice.

Author:  Jzzb8ovn [ Sat Feb 23, 2019 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

I saw Rodrigo in Toronto doing a Fado show. Yes truly beautiful music. I didn’t understand the Portuguese but did understand the music.

Author:  bachdois [ Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

Hey! Almost missed this one! Shame on me!! Lol yeah, it’s a cool genre, a lot like blues or tango... beautiful music from the roots. My favorite kind I guess, old music born in the hearts of simple people... the operatic voices may be the most visible side I guess but, the particularity of Fado is mostly about the story, the poem being sung. In the old days people would sing if they could and poets would just say poems, accompanied by the musicians. It’s a big thing over here. A lot of it has found a way into my stick playing: the ambiance in my instrumental songs and even one traditional singed Fado (our version of a “standard”) I wrote a new poem for.
Although I started out as a Jazz musician this is where I found home.
Thanks for bringing it here :)

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Author:  ReyStick [ Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

I thought it was great. I loved that the guitarists would shush the audience before they played. Shut up and listen. very intimate, no amps. Caught a flamenco show in cordoba as well, loved it, not portuguese but same type of soul singing from the diaphragm,and guitars with added percussive tapping clapping and dance, great influences. I will be researching some fado for sure. Wonder who the Paco de Lucia of fado is?

Author:  bachdois [ Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

ReyStick wrote:
I thought it was great. I loved that the guitarists would shush the audience before they played. Shut up and listen. very intimate, no amps. Caught a flamenco show in cordoba as well, loved it, not portuguese but same type of soul singing from the diaphragm,and guitars with added percussive tapping clapping and dance, great influences. I will be researching some fado for sure. Wonder who the Paco de Lucia of fado is?

So you already gone? Damn! Should have said something, I would have come and meet you :)
Yeah, Fado has this tradition of starting with someone saying: “please be silent, Fado is about to be sung”. In most places, musicians will even stop playing and stare at the audience until they calm down and listen. People always do :)
As for the master on the guitar there are several, but this is the one that revolutionized the role of the instrument in our popular culture: he became one of the symbols of the revolution while, at the same time, creating the tradition of developing instrumental pieces that people will listen to with the same eagerness and respect as they do the singed songs.
His name was Carlos Paredes check him out:

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Author:  ReyStick [ Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

Thanks rod . It was a whirlwind tour. 2 days of walking about 30 miles up hill both ways. Best part of the trip so far. We also went to merida, and cordoba, in granada now for a couple days, and heading to sevilla.
Gonna check out carlos paredes when i get home thanks for that.

Author:  bachdois [ Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Portuguese

Safe travels my friend! :)

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