Greg Howard (1964-2023)
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Author:  Jzzb8ovn [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

Im so glad I got to hang out with Greg at the Interlochen Stick camps. I was even planing a Stick Camp in Canada and was talking with Greg about it a few years back. He always gave generously of his time and talents to help others. He will be dearly missed. He was such a great player, teacher and person. I ll think of you each time I pick up my Stick.

Author:  ignis32 [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

Never had a chance to meet Greg Howard in person, but his educational videos were my only company during my Stick journey. I am deeply saddened to hear of his passing. These three years are truly dark..

Author:  lagomorph [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

Rest in peace.

I'm a relatively new Stick player, and even before I got my instrument I was studying his beginner-oriented videos to make sure I got off on the right foot once I did finally get my Stick. Thank you for helping me start my journey, Greg.

Author:  Robstafarian [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

I just heard, having coincidentally texted Gene to touch base.

I am stunned, crying while listening to Adrift—one of the first Stick songs to capture my imagination. I will always remember Greg's eager generosity in coming to my home no less than three times, the first of which my grandmother talked about nearly every day for the rest of her life. Where I first encountered him as a masterful musician, she first encountered him as an extraordinarily-kind soul.

Though I have been away from this forum because I felt like I had no place in the Stick community, my grief certainly does. My heart goes out to everyone who survives him.

Author:  earthgene [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

Thank you Glenn for this thoughtful remembrance of the quality of his character. Greg had such great respect for you and the mecca of Stickdom that you achieved and willed into existence up in the great state of Michigan. I'm so glad it was you and Rasa that were there for him.

It is too soon to fathom the depth of our loss. I'm very sad that we are without him. Grace already posted about the integrity of everything he did. but I'll say it again. Integrity, Greg Howard had it.

NEVER MIND THE CHAPMAN STICK FOR A MOMENT. Greg Howard, regardless of what anyone in this community believed or thought, did the right thing. He strived to do the right thing and this community was absolutely graced a thousand times over because of it. A million times over.

Greg was destined for mastery in whatever he chose to do, he just happened to be a Stick player. He had a musical vision and in in the most beautiful twist of fate, he met Emmett. Greg shared that, just as Emmett shared his vision of the instrument - cementing a destiny and legacy without comparison in our modest musical niche in the realm.

This vision was nurtured by the Chapman family and the Stick community at large and it has prospered - we are all benefactors of the beautiful bond that existed between all of these entities but always with Greg and Emmett at the nucleus.

A fitting analogy for Greg and Emmett could include a contrast in their relationship to the double planet (binary planet, etc.) Pluto and Charon. In this case, they are double dwarf planet system that share an orbital axis external to both planetary bodies. In looking closer at the composition of each component star, you'll see that the smaller moon is composed mostly of the surface elements of the larger moon. I also like the thought of highly elliptical orbit as well, one that is walks a different path the those of the inner rocky and gas worlds.

And for those that may wonder, Pluto cares not whether it is a planet or not a planet. It is the King of the Kuiper Belt..!

It's comforting to make these comparisons, even if just for a moment, it alleviates what I'm feeling which is tremendous sadness. Thank you again Glenn for the post and all those honoring Greg here and in related threads.

Thanks Greg, you are mighty.

Author:  bachdois [ Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

I keep trying to write something but I’m just blocked … If Emmett’s passing was hard, the both of them is just too much…. As most of us here, I too have my own share of stories in witch Greg was genuinely altruist, kind and generous, but I’m not ready to share them just yet… I’ll tell you this though: God must have been in a real hurry to get His hands on a Stick and learn how to play it. And by now there is a stick camp going on, with everyone from Bach to Wayne Shorter attending. It’s our loss down here but the heavens rejoice.

Author:  begin again [ Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

oh no - I don't know what to say
there IS nothing to say

Author:  TappistRT [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

I’m so sad to hear the news about Greg. What a brilliant mind, phenomenal artist and composer gone way too soon from this world. We were lucky to have him as a cornerstone of this small, devoted community to this instrument.

I wish his family well in this time of grieving.

I realize this song isn’t new, but when I talk about the Stick to people who don’t know about it, I often would pull up “Finding Home.” I think it encapsulates Greg’s style while capturing how the Stick excels as a solo instrument in Greg’s hands.

Here’s hoping Greg’s soul finds peace in its new home.

Author:  Jim Meyer [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

Too many memories of Greg to try to pick out one or two, but it was a joy to experience his teaching, performing, and friendship during his dozen trips to Vancouver over the years. Greg (and Emmett) quite literally changed my life so it’s impossible to put on the Stick each day without thinking of them both.

When I think of Greg, I picture him helping. I have numerous photos of Greg at seminars, sincerely trying to help players improve their performance. He relentlessly pushed the Stick forward in every way he could - writing, performing, teaching, working on the SE web site, answering countless questions about the instrument. Sometimes his wording could have been better, but his sincerity can’t be questioned. Farewell my friend and my biggest influence!


Author:  DavidWS [ Mon May 01, 2023 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Greg Howard (1964-2023)

This was mentioned on Bob's Zoom on Saturday, but I've not seen it here so I thought I'd share it.

Sal Soghoian (a friend of Greg's) has a few pages about Greg on his website, including some short video & audio clips of and about Greg playing at "Miller's Downtown" ( in Charlottesville.

Click on the 'projector' to get to the videos & audio. The 'book' takes you to a text bio.

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