Belmont fest went well (more or less)
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Author:  Jzzb8ovn [ Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Belmont fest went well (more or less)

Well gig is done and went well. Always something to learn as things are always different. I’d love to hear stories of strange things happening on stage while playing. For me looking up and seeing an older lady staring in wonder at what I was doing threw me for a bit. Signs falling over and bands behind me sound checking were distracting as well but I got thru it. My laptop backing track died halfway thru a song. Same song as last year too. And setting up after my start time cause the organizer didn’t think about me needing power. He was going to give me a battery powered amp and thought my pedal board would be powered by the amp. Being in the middle of an intersection ( no cars) in the hot sun was not ideal either. Not being able to see my laptop screen was not fun either. All in all it was s good gig and I’d do it again. My nervousness is coming from these unknowns more than my abilities now. P=P-I which is Potential is equal to your performance minus your interference so I’m learning to deal with the interferences each time I get out. Can’t wait to do it again

Author:  paigan0 [ Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Belmont fest went well (more or less)

Wow, sounds challenging, and also that you were up for the challenge. Congratulations on putting yourself out there and rocking it out!

Author:  bachdois [ Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Belmont fest went well (more or less)

Yep, there is nothing that can replace you having to go thru all that to gain the experience. It’s very stressful but the sooner you survive it, the sooner you stop worrying about it - those things at least [emoji3526] and I recognize that equation - all true ;)
I once opened my eyes on a stage, and there was a girl looking at me no more than a meter away. Scared the living daylights out of me! Last week same thing happened, only this time it was a guy doing a video with a camera, lying on the floor at my feet. Thank God for that little girl before :)

Enviado do meu iPhone usando o Tapatalk

Author:  baggetthouse [ Wed Sep 18, 2019 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Belmont fest went well (more or less)

Thanks for the report Rob! Big congrats...

I've been doing this for about 23 years now. And I've finally reached a place where I rarely get nervous anymore (a MAJOR hurdle jumped). Now I'm dealing with all sorts of weird stuff happening during gigs and somehow, I'm rolling with it.

Played a gig at a performance venue last Friday. During the first song the sound quit for about 5-10 seconds. It just killed the vibe! But when it kicked back in, I picked up where it left off. Worked out well.

I still don't know what happened, my gear or house system (and I know and trust the guy well). The power light on my amp was on when the sound quit...maybe a bad cable in my pedal board...?

Author:  MichNS [ Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Belmont fest went well (more or less)

For my pedals, I bring my own power:

I have quite a few Ego products, so I have many batteries. I also bought the backup generator they make, which is a bit pricey, but it keeps me supplied with several charged batteries. I haven’t tried powering any amps yet, but for pedals I barely lose any charge in these batteries for 1/2 hour open mics.

Author:  Lee Vatip [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Belmont fest went well (more or less)

The Inner Game of Music equation is dead on
It applies to all players. Stay with it. The course is set


Author:  Jzzb8ovn [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Belmont fest went well (more or less)

Bad things make great stories. I hate to hear of people having bad experiences but we grow and learn from them and afterwards can talk about “that “gig where “that “happened. Thanks for sharing guys. We learn from others’ experiences as well.

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