Learning MuseScore
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Author:  SteveS [ Sat May 22, 2021 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Learning MuseScore

@mike.hoegeman made this comment in this thread I started on music software:

mike.hoegeman wrote:
I really like MuseScore also. Like anything you have to use it for a bit to get the hang of it, but I’m notoriously Impatient with software and I got the hang of it fairly quickly.

Here's a tip for anyone wanting to get up-to-speed quickly with MuseScore.

Grab some of your existing sheet music and duplicate it in MuseScore. I've been doing this with a bunch of bass transcriptions I have and boy, did I start zooming up that ol' learning curve!! I've gotten to the point where I can almost literally "type in" the score.

Also, their online manual is very, very good. But the search function leads something to be desired. Even if you know the correct term for an item, you might have to scroll through a couple of pages before you find what you're looking for. I added a "MuseScore" item to my bookmarks toolbar, and as I found things added their page to that item. A lifesaver when I inevitably hit that "Now how do I do that again?"

Author:  mike.hoegeman [ Sat May 22, 2021 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Learning MuseScore

SteveS wrote:
@mike.hoegeman made this comment in this thread I started on music software:

mike.hoegeman wrote:
I really like MuseScore also. Like anything you have to use it for a bit to get the hang of it, but I’m notoriously Impatient with software and I got the hang of it fairly quickly.

Here's a tip for anyone wanting to get up-to-speed quickly with MuseScore.

Grab some of your existing sheet music and duplicate it in MuseScore. I've been doing this with a bunch of bass transcriptions I have and boy, did I start zooming up that ol' learning curve!! I've gotten to the point where I can almost literally "type in" the score.

Also, their online manual is very, very good. But the search function leads something to be desired. Even if you know the correct term for an item, you might have to scroll through a couple of pages before you find what you're looking for. I added a "MuseScore" item to my bookmarks toolbar, and as I found things added their page to that item. A lifesaver when I inevitably hit that "Now how do I do that again?"

I usually just do searches in google like “how do i make a triplet spanning a quarter note in musescore and there’s usually a hit in the musescore forum with a link to where the manual explains it or an explanation outright

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Author:  AnDroiD [ Sun May 23, 2021 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning MuseScore

mike.hoegeman wrote:
I usually just do searches in google like “how do i make a triplet spanning g a quarter note in musescore and there’s usually a hit it the musescore forum with a link to where the manual explains it or an explanation outright

Wow. Google knows everything!

Author:  SteveS [ Sun May 23, 2021 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning MuseScore

mike.hoegeman wrote:
I usually just do searches in google like “how do i make a triplet spanning a quarter note in musescore and there’s usually a hit in the musescore forum with a link to where the manual explains it or an explanation outright

Yup. I’ve done that too. Helpful too when I’m unsure of the proper terminology to use in the search.

Author:  SteveS [ Fri May 28, 2021 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning MuseScore

Here's a tip that anyone using MuseScore will find useful.

This url will search the MuseScore handbook for a specific keyword (the term "slur" in this example):

Code: slur

If you use a browser other than FireFox, you'll have to research how to do this, but in FireFox, if you create a bookmark like this:

Code: %s

AND assign it a keyword (I assigned the keyword "ms"), you can enter the following in the Address Window and immediately execute a Google search on the handbook:

ms slur

note that this works as well on phrases, like "grace note"

ms grace note

If your browser has a similar capability, you should be able to find it fairly easily. The research to get the URL/Query syntax right and get it working in FireFox only took me about 10 minutes.

This is going to be really helpful to me!!

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