One Stick to rule them all
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Author:  waltschwarzkopf [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  One Stick to rule them all

Hello guys,

I know some of you (us) own multiple Sticks. But as I attempt to downsize my collection and own only ONE stick. My question to all of you is:

If you could only own ONE stick, which one would it be and WHY?


Author:  waltschwarzkopf [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

Only realistic answers allowed, meaning that only option available from SE are valid. So a 20-string stick with straight 4ths + 12-string RMR with triple MIDI and six hum buckers is not a possibility.

Author:  Big George Waters [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

This is the question I've been wanting to hear for quite sometime myself, as my own opinions have shifted greatly over the past year, so this will be a long read.

At first, it was none of the above - as I had a 12 string Warr Phalanx that was serving me well, and I had just backed out of purchasing a used Ironwood from S.E.

But, by springtime of this year I could not help but think that what I really want was a Stick, and not just any Stick - but a Railboard.

As luck would have it - the one I was after at S.E. was already sold, so back to the drawing board... which produced a M.Megatar tuned like a Grand Stick in Classic tuning and a very interesting Toneweaver set up in Major 3rds.

I still - while most pleased - still longed for a Stick.
I so loved the sound of Tony Levins Stick on The Sheltering Sky....

I wanted one BAD............

Then, a miracle: two Ironwoods appeared on Reverb one after the other and I wasted no time.

Finally: Two older - real - Sticks !!!

As time went on, I started thinking Grand Stick - early 1990s era.

Now - I need to state that I am in a situation where I am considering a major career change once I hit 55 next year - so I need to purchase these instruments which I was after one after the other - because this time next year, all bets are off... so this is why my Stick collection is blossoming so rapidly.

Meanwhile, Grace last year was trying to convince me to go the Stickbass route, which I ended up having no interest at all - until I saw that used one on S.E. which if I were to guess might arrive just in time for Christmas.

As luck would have it - the Railboard which I wanted - showed up for sale here on Sticklist - but by now I could not commit because I had other ideas, a brandy new RB-8 set up in Crafty tuning, which I need to see if Cambria needs anything else from me, as I am hoping the Gods allow this to arrive near my 55th birthday next year...........

For some reason, as much as I loved the idea of having a 12 string Stick - I suddenly shifted gears when I realized that Grace was right: 8 is indeed the way to go - which I came to the conclusion of from dabbling with my mid 80s Ironwood....

But just this week - and this was the result of what Juan has posted - and another person up in Canada - all of a sudden the last instrument I ever considered - the NS Stick suddenly made sense.

As a huge fan of Ned's creations - this was completely logical.
After detailed research - this was completely practical.

As luck would have it - one with a Moses neck showed up again on Reverb....

I mused over this - liked the way it was set up - except for the tuning, that we can forget because that is a single region instrument IMO.....

So yesterday I said "why not..." and clicked the right buttons, and the seller was most happy that it's going to another Steinberger fan's home and this should arrive early next week I'd say...

Now - I have not played it - I have not set it up yet - but I've already jumped the gun and listed it in my signature picker here because to me IT'S THE NS STICK THAT IS THE ONE INSTRUMENT I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT.

Author:  WerkSpace [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

I own a (1978) Vintage Stick and a Railboard.

I'm absolutely in love with the Vintage Stick.
Why? It has amazing tones...

BTW - I also love my Line 6 Helix. Very cool!

Author:  Balt-A-Sar [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

...hi waltschwarzkopf,

...why could sombody own only one stick?...
...I mean, we're not living in an igloo, so why this reduction?...

Author:  ReyStick [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

I only want one,
of every Stick made. Because i love them all.

Author:  Markussz [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

12-string Grand Railboard - gold plasma plated, classic tuning, medium gauge strings, gold tuners, black glitter inlays.

That's what I have on order now. This will be the newest member of my harem of sticks. I will I could be in a monogamous relationship with just one special stick. But sometimes I'm compelled to play another one and swing a little.

Author:  JRJ [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

So the "jonesing" continues: To Jones:

"to have a strong desire or craving for something:" he was jonesing for a drink (Stick). jones. noun. Definition of jones; 1 slang : an avid desire or appetite for something : craving".

I admit that the bug has bitten me lately and it would be for a RED Railboard and the Grace
is in the mix too asking why I have so many Sticks? I love them, but as Grace said she thinks that
the Railboad is the best instrument for the price being produced today. I tend to agree, and I do have a first generation Railboard in denim or blue jean that has the rough texture that I don't think is available anymore ;).
It's only problem is that it is a 10 string, so if I had 12 in red, it would be perfect right? :| Right? :twisted:

Hey Big George, I appreciate your thirst and it is true imo that each different instrument has
a unique tone, so I understand, there is a reason or as Steve Mcqueen is known to have said
"smoke'em if you got em". If you were interested in an unusual Stick I have a one of 12 produced
7 string Stick that I would let go of to a serious collector like you. If that happened I would call
Grace tomorrow 8-).


Author:  Big George Waters [ Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

As enticing as that sounds, I will pass...
Even a collector/musician like myself has their limits, but that you for considering me as being worthy of such an instrument :)

Author:  piratebruce [ Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One Stick to rule them all

For what it's worth I have 3.
If the hypothetical impossibility arose that I could only keep one, it's the Maple Grand , Big , Beautiful & all that range, but the other 2 are just as exciting in different ways. :D

I still want the Blue Timber one that once appeared in the Gallery picks on :o

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