Dave Brosky guest lecturer at Penn State World Music class
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Author:  dbrosky [ Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Dave Brosky guest lecturer at Penn State World Music class

Hey, I am very proud to announce that I have been asked again to be a guest lecturer at the Penn State Ext Campus here in Pittsburgh for their World Music Course.

It will be this Tuesday at 3:00 in McKeesport PA. The professor is Doretta Whalen, professor of Jazz and Voice who also has tenure at the University of Pittsburgh School of Music.

As far as gear goes, I'll bring two Marshall Stacks and an 8x10 SVT Ampeg cab and head, and have a drummer with a double bass Ludwig Octoplus set....
wait, that was my formative years.. actually I'll bring just My Stick and probably my gig pedalboard and a small amp.

These are the opportunities we get to advance Emmett's wonderful instrument and introduce it to a new generation who may only be listening to top 40, hip hop or rap. King who? Gentle Giant- they make vegetables right dude? Gabriel, that's a department strore isn't it? :D

The Stick is always well received and I play a selection of rock, jazz and pop, as well as emulate acoustic finger picking, flamenco, and all out in your face funk! I also teach chord structure, basic harmony and use some cool songs, like the Beatles, to show pedal point harmony ( 8 days a week intro)

Last year, I played "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga and they were blown away. If you YouTube her ( real name Stephanie Germanotta)and find AOL sessions where it is just her and an acoustic ( digital) piano doing Poker Face you will see the strong songwriting and performing behind her well oiled pop machine.
So I explored it further, and got a songbook and was very impressed with her writing.

The point is don't be afraid if someone asks to go play the Stick for a group or a class or an art show. I have a friend who always paints himself into a corner saying he's not ready or not good enough. You never are, but you're better than you were yesterday, a month ago, a year ago, and you'll get better tomorrow if you go out and perform before live people.

take care, and if you are in the area, I'll sneak you in the back, but you'll have to roadie that Marshall Stack and the SVT cab!
dave brosky

Author:  Lee Vatip [ Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dave Brosky guest lecturer at Penn State World Music cla

Congrats Dave.
Penn State is a much better venue than The State Pen.
I'm sure your performance will be super.
You'll be Super Dave

Author:  leadbass [ Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dave Brosky guest lecturer at Penn State World Music cla

I would like to go but I have school. I wouldn't mind skipping it, but its a long drive. And I dont listen to top 40 hits. Its all about tony levin. Also, for next lesson, can you show me some funk stuff?

Author:  BSharp [ Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dave Brosky guest lecturer at Penn State World Music cla

Nothing better than to introduce The Stick and its unique string tapping method to the academic world. I know from personal experience how great it feels to step on stage with a minimal stringed instrument that can produce (at least) as much music as a grand piano, and to play to a college audience that expects to hear the complete orchestral conception.

My feeling, the less you bring, the more impact it has. Just plug in. (Yes, The Stick needs a big sound system in an auditorium.)

A provocative question for the Penn State class and music faculty, one which spans the political spectrum: Will it be "world music" or musics of the world?

Better just to play, I guess. Emmett

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