FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and Android
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Author:  TheMM [ Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and Android


Dear all,

I've been quiet in this forum for a while, having shifted my focus from the Chapman Stick to piano and bass guitar. But now, I'm back to share some updates about an app that some of you may already be familiar with:

FretBoard Chords & Scales
This app helps visualize chords and scales on over 150 instrument tunings, including all official Chapman Stick tunings.

Initially released about 15 years ago for iOS, I brought out an improved version around 2008. It was a collaborative effort where I contributed the ideas, graphics, and app logic, while my partner, who later joined Apple, handled the coding. Eventually, we couldn't maintain frequent updates as I didn't fully grasp the code and he became too occupied with his new role.

Recently, I've taken the initiative to rebuild the project from scratch. This new hybrid version works for both iOS and Android with the same code base. Although it currently lacks some features from its previous incarnation, I'm committed to adding more functionalities over time, such as a custom tuning and appearance editor, since I now fully own and understand the code.

The iOS version is available in the Apple App Store:

The Android version is available here:

For a detailed overview of the app's features and the list of currently supported instruments and tunings, please visit:

Thanks for reading!

Author:  zaubertuba [ Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

Marc I'd pay money for this app. It looks incredibly useful and clean, and not having to custom build Stick tunings (like you have to do with several other apps of this ilk) is a big bonus.

I really like your color coding scheme--it seems intuitive and seems like it would really help in chord construction decisions.

Odd question: Will the .apk be available for purchase outside the Google Play store? Some silly people like me don't have (and don't want) a Google account. ;)

Thank you for your efforts--I hope they find you bring you much success!

Author:  WerkSpace [ Sun Dec 10, 2023 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

A YouTube video might help promote your product?

Author:  adouglas [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

i sent some feedback using the form on your website. I assume it got through... didn't get a reply.

Overall I like it. Worth the four bucks.

Author:  TheMM [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

zaubertuba wrote:
Odd question: Will the .apk be available for purchase outside the Google Play store? Some silly people like me don't have (and don't want) a Google account. ;)

This is not an odd question - If I would mainly use an Android device it would be a de-googled version, definitely. So after beta, when the thing is final and in the store, feel free to send me a PM and I sell you the APK without running through the Google Store. Downside is that I can not provide updates. But freedom comes at a price...

Author:  TheMM [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

adouglas wrote:
i sent some feedback using the form on your website. I assume it got through... didn't get a reply.

Overall I like it. Worth the four bucks.

That's strange. I did not receive anything. Can you PM me here please?

Author:  TheMM [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

WerkSpace wrote:
A YouTube video might help promote your product?

Definitely! I am currently cllecting ideas for it. Will be released latest when iOS and Android versions are available, Thanks for the idea!

Author:  adouglas [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

Pm sent.

For some reason the system won't let me attach an image or PDF to a private message. I've uploaded it here.


A small display glitch on the lower left. I've got an iPhone and have tweaked user settings (e.g. font size, stuff like that) to my preference.

A probably impractical idea regarding highlighting of commonly used chord shapes.

There's one other small item in the pm.

Author:  TheMM [ Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

Hey all! Android beta is in full swing, anyway I need another 5 participants. Anyone?

Author:  adouglas [ Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FretBoard Evolution: Chords & Scales app for iOS and And

Hi! Sorry for the late follow up on the minor bug I found in the iOS version. I don't know what happened to your email reply, but it's not in my inbox or spam folder.

Private messaging on this board doesn't allow image attachments, so I have to upload the screenshot here. The display bug is at lower left.

It's an iPhone XR, running iOS 17.1.2

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